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PetaSAN and Multiple CEPHFS


We are looking for to setup CEPHFS on one of our PetaSAN clusters (it's runing version 3.0.1) and I've noticed that PetaSAN doesn't allow add more than one CEPHFS at a time, we are not using the default cephfs and we would like add our own file system for this particular application but before consider deleting the default cephs I would like check with you if is this file system used by PetaSAN for any internal propuse ? Also why PetaSAN doesn't work with more than one FS at a time or is this just a restriction at the GUI level ?

As alwys thank you for all your work on this incredible distro.

Multiple CephFS feature is only recently been stable with Ceph Pacific (v 16) but not stable in Ceph Octopus (v 15) and earlier.  PetaSAN currently uses Ceph Octopus, we typically wait for the latest Ceph release to stabilise before using it. But as you spotted the ui is ready to support this.

Note however that many functionality can be done using "Layouts" within a single filesystem, such as defining the use of different pools within the same filesystem, this is how the vast majority of exiting Ceph installations do this. Have a look at PetaSAN CephFS layouts support.

Multiple filesystems:


Layouts ( of course PetaSAN makes this much eaiser via ui ):


Thank you