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Ceph service

I would like to know how to manually start and stop ceph services like osd.

There is not ceph file in /etc/init.d/ so i cant use a service o manually start it.


I am trying to change jornal to a ram disk, so I need to be able to stop and start service, I know its not good to do this, due to ram is volatil but I want to test speed changes


it is using systemd, the syntax is:

systemctl start ceph-mon@<monitor_hostname>

systemctl start ceph-osd@<OSD_number>


systemctl start ceph-mon@ps-node-01

systemctl start ceph-osd@0


Note version 1.4 and 1,5 will bring performance improvements.

Will we be able to upgrade a petasan node from 1.3 to 1.4 without downtime? thanks

It will be the same process as before using installer upgrade,  each node will require a reboot but the cluster will continue to function.

Thanks for the info, I've never upgraded before and look forward to checking out v 1.4