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100% VM reported cpu (cause is default idle state disable?)

hi, trying to use petasan alongside other genral VMs in my home lab systems but its causing problems with esxi i believe the cause of this can be seen during petasans boot up where it mentions disabling idle states. is this behaviour expected?( as its causing unresonable high power draw) SSH into the system and running htop shows no cpu usage at all.

edit: system info:
dual socket E5 2690 V4s
128GB ram

We do several performance tweaks such as cpu idle states, max frequency and set cpu governor to performance. these do make a difference and enhance total performance.

we do not recommend running PetaSAN in vms (this is true for any Ceph system). it is also possible the hypervisor has issue with the cpu settings, you may edit these if you need to run vms and feel the settings give you a problem.

Quote from admin on August 25, 2023, 7:40 pm

We do several performance tweaks such as cpu idle states, max frequency and set cpu governor to performance. these do make a difference and enhance total performance.

we do not recommend running PetaSAN in vms (this is true for any Ceph system). it is also possible the hypervisor has issue with the cpu settings, you may edit these if you need to run vms and feel the settings give you a problem.

i tried polling power draws from dells idrac and that was giving me around a 230w power draw increase

i cant currently run this on bare metal as its in a home environment and i would be killed for the cost of running 3 additional servers nevermind noise.

if theres any specfic parts that are changed i could get pointers too for reading up on that would be greatly appreciated as i am more of the networking guy that deals with broken windows computers. i just found this to be a really cool filesystem that i wanted to slowly dip into playing with


hello teams,

I have 3 nodes cluster on vmware 7.0.3. The product working very fine before I decide to update to 3.2.1. I have the same problem :  the cpu is working to 100%. I understand that is not the best to run petasan in vm, but before it's working fine.

It seeams that you would tell us than the petasan product is not compatible to do like vsan ???

Best regards,

Frédéric MASSON.

Excuse the late response, things have been very busy.

We do performance tuning to get max cpu performance and disable wait states, maybe this is causing issues in your vmware setup. You can try to delete the peformance tunings:

rm /opt/petasan/scripts/tuning/
rm /etc/rc.local

and reboot and see if it helps. Some things worth mentioning:

These cpu settings are the number 1 peformance recommendation for ceph

To label things correctly, if vmware cannot handle these then it is a vmware bug. Our devs use VirtualBox and we do not see this issue.

Further note: version 3.3 will include adjustable tuning profiles, so this would be done from ui

Excuse the late response, things have been very busy, for me too... 🙂

Just settings the cpu number to 1 was sufficient.


Thanks a lot !

Have a nice day,

Those code work like a charm now to test it in the VM. Thanks!!!