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radosgw/s3 ss3-c encryption


I am trying to use server side encryption with customers keys, but I always have "Invalid request", using rclone, using aws cli, using s3browser.
This is my bucket:
aws s3api get-bucket-encryption --bucket test --profile myprofile --endpoint-url
"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": {
"Rules": [
"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
"SSEAlgorithm": "AES256"

Anyone can help me ?

Thank you, Fabrizio

I have pfsense with haproxy in front of petasan/radosGW, so i had to put
rgw trust forwarded https = true

in ceph.conf (section client.rgw.nodename)

So my section now is:

host = petasan-04
rgw frontends = "beast port=7480"
rgw_zone = dc01
rgw_user_quota_sync_idle_users = true
rgw trust forwarded https = true
rgw enable usage log = true
rgw usage log tick interval = 30
rgw usage log flush threshold = 1024
rgw usage max shards = 32
rgw usage max user shards = 1
rgw_dns_name =

(it could be nice to add some features to web interface... logging, virtualhost-style config, and proxy usage)


Great, thanks for the feedback.

My understanding you are using your own proxy talking directly to the radoswy on port 7480 or are you using  the PetaSAN  load balancer/proxy ?

All my petasan cluster is with private ip addressing; in front of petasan cluster (and of course, in front at s3 vlan/subnet), I have a pfSense istance, with haproxy on port 8000. So I use both petasan load balancer/proxy and pfsense haproxy; all s3 requestes goes to a single public ip address, and haproxy forwards to several private ip (that are configured on petasan).

I am only checking that, if a use aws s3 cli to encrypt an already present (and unencripted) bucket, small files are not encrypted (a 64Mbyte file is encrypted, a 64k file is not); I think is a rados configuration problem, but I can't find any solution.

PS. I use SSE-C