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S3 Multisite


I have read the multisite sync policy section, but it is not clear how to do it and how to sync each user manually.
For example, user A automatically syncs, while user B syncs when needed?

I tested with 2 test clusters (on virtual machines), but sync is at "zone" level, not user level, so you will have all your users synced from site A to site B.


Worth adding to the above, that sync is done automatically (in asynchronous way), no manual intervention is needed.  For object i/o, all zones ate active/active, users can write directly to any zone (master or secondary)  and it will synced to other zones. In contrast, metadata like users/keys are synced from master zone to secondary zones.

Thanks for the answers, it's a bit wasteful to automatically synchronize all users between zones when only a few users need to be synchronized. I'm looking for a way to do it, but maybe radosgw doesn't support this yet.