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PetaSAN ssh kept on having "connection reset"

When running PetaSAN I kept on having a "connection reset" on the ssh terminal. I run everything in the same network configuration in physical it doesn't have this issue. But for some reason it does in PetaSAN. As far as I know all other type of VMs, pfsense, ubuntu, etc. and much more never have this issue in XCP-ng. I assume it is highly likely to be a PetaSAN VM problem.

Do you know what might be causing this?
Is there some setting in PetaSAN network that causes the VM ssh to timeout?
Does PetaSAN need "TX Checksumming" to be disable (default is enabled)? ( XCP-ng default has this enable for the Ubuntu VMs)

thanks for the help! 🙂

quite sure this is a configuration or hardware issue from your side.

Ok thanks. I will go along that line and try to see if it is a configuration problem.

I test it by running it on bare metal rather than VMs and there is no issue. So there is something about PetaSAN being a VM. Well otherwise everything works perfectly and run as expected as a VM (fileshare and failover was flawless). Only issue is SSH terminating too often if I want to do cmd. Wish I can do cmd line from gui.

Just out of curiosity if network is sometime slow will ssh reset in certain cases?

probably configuration in your vm setup. our developers use vms all the time with no issues.