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[WRN] MDS_CLIENT_RECALL: 1 clients failing to respond to cache pressure


I have this warning; I have just set mds memory cache from 4 to 8Gbyte, but after some minutes I have again this warning.

My nfs (cephfs exported) storage is about 10/12Tbyte, but only 33.000 files.

I also have read:
that: "Note: Ceph-fuse v13.2.1 has a bug which triggers this issue -- users should update to a newer client release"

What can I test ?
Thanks, Fabrizio

(my df -i),, 22931007 - - - /mnt/cephfs
(my df -h),, 859T 56T 804T 7% /mnt/cephfs

root@petasan-10:/mnt/cephfs# du -h --max-depth=1
12T ./cephfsec
12T .

root@petasan-10:/mnt/cephfs# find . -type f -print | wc
33760 34829 4573426