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S3 SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED after Upgrade to 3.2.1

I am using PetasSAN 3.1 as S3 Archiv for Veeam. After Updating to 3.2.1 I have the above error when creating a new bucket with AWS CLI. If I use the additional parameter --no-verfify-ssl the bucket is created but in Veeam I cannot create the folder or the backup repository due to error messages.

I changed the self-signed certificate with a valid certificate from Certum - but the error is still there.

We do not modify certificates during upgrade.

If AWS CLI does not verify the certificate, then either the certificate is not valid or the certificate authorities are not configured correct in AWS CLI environment, it is not a PetaSAN issue. My understanding is that AWS CLI  tool has its own certificate store outside of the OS, in our S3 guide we have an example to configure this.

I found the problem - node 4 did not use the time server set under general (only node 1-3) and when using S3 Service on this node show various errors. After setting the timeserver everything works as expected - Sorry.