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PetaSAN Deployment info

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Yes, but i don't understand how this roles works.

I need the data replicated across this three nodes, so I have to enable on all the Local Storage Service role I guess.
If I need "ha" for example for S3 Service I need to enable the role on all nodes so if one will fail the other replace it?

And "Backup/Replication Service" role is for replication across clusters?

Sorry for this questions, but i'm new on Petasan/Ceph

Thanks a lot

Enable Local Storage for running OSDs and allowing the node to act as a storage node. Data is replicated and highly available.

Enable iSCSI, NFS,.. to enable the node to serve this protocol. Obviously you need at least 2 nodes to create a load balanced HA service.

You do not need the Backup/Replication service, it is used for replication of iSCSI accross different clusters.


Now I understand.

Thanks a lot

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