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Degraded data redundancy: 1/60595553 objects degraded (0.000%), 1 pg degraded, 60 pgs undersized

Hello I have problem
Degraded data redundancy: 1/60595553 objects degraded (0.000%), 1 pg degraded, 60 pgs undersized

root@petasan1:~# ceph -s
id: bec4f252-b4a5-4467-83a6-235cc4631079
Degraded data redundancy: 1/60595559 objects degraded (0.000%), 1 pg degraded, 60 pgs undersized

mon: 3 daemons, quorum petasan1,petasan3,petasan2 (age 59m)
mgr: petasan2(active, since 66m), standbys: petasan1, petasan3
mds: 1/1 daemons up, 2 standby
osd: 56 osds: 56 up (since 52m), 56 in (since 6d); 41 remapped pgs

volumes: 1/1 healthy
pools: 12 pools, 321 pgs
objects: 15.50M objects, 59 TiB
usage: 126 TiB used, 663 TiB / 789 TiB avail
pgs: 1/60595559 objects degraded (0.000%)
1/60595559 objects misplaced (0.000%)
254 active+clean
36 active+undersized+remapped
23 active+undersized
4 active+clean+remapped
2 active+clean+scrubbing+deep
1 active+undersized+degraded+remapped
1 active+clean+scrubbing

client: 1.2 MiB/s rd, 2.6 KiB/s wr, 198 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr


root@petasan1:~# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN Degraded data redundancy: 1/60595559 objects degraded (0.000%), 1 pg degraded, 60 pgs undersized
[WRN] PG_DEGRADED: Degraded data redundancy: 1/60595559 objects degraded (0.000%), 1 pg degraded, 60 pgs undersized
pg 12.0 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [41,47,NONE,42,NONE,44]
pg 12.1 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [48,54,45,43,NONE,52]
pg 12.2 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [44,51,46,NONE,43,54]
pg 12.4 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [50,47,NONE,NONE,48,53]
pg 12.5 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [49,43,45,42,51,NONE]
pg 12.7 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [46,NONE,49,41,43,NONE]
pg 12.8 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [48,45,NONE,53,55,43]
pg 12.9 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [40,51,NONE,53,NONE,54]
pg 12.a is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [45,NONE,54,40,52,NONE]
pg 12.b is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [46,43,NONE,50,49,45]
pg 12.c is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [45,48,55,46,NONE,NONE]
pg 12.d is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [50,43,46,44,NONE,43]
pg 12.e is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [46,43,43,49,45,NONE]
pg 12.f is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [42,48,NONE,NONE,47,41]
pg 12.10 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [40,54,41,NONE,52,42]
pg 12.11 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [49,41,55,53,NONE,NONE]
pg 12.12 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [46,44,43,45,55,NONE]
pg 12.13 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [46,50,43,49,54,NONE]
pg 12.14 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [45,NONE,48,NONE,54,46]
pg 12.15 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [46,49,54,NONE,41,41]
pg 12.16 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [42,41,43,NONE,55,48]
pg 12.17 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [51,53,49,43,43,NONE]
pg 12.18 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [54,51,46,44,NONE,43]
pg 12.19 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [42,45,44,54,43,NONE]
pg 12.1a is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [49,43,41,NONE,42,NONE]
pg 12.1b is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [48,50,NONE,NONE,47,53]
pg 12.1c is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [46,55,NONE,NONE,48,45]
pg 12.1d is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [49,43,53,NONE,50,NONE]
pg 12.1e is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [45,47,44,NONE,43,46]
pg 12.1f is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [40,42,55,NONE,43,41]
pg 12.20 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [47,49,52,NONE,45,53]
pg 12.21 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [42,47,51,48,NONE,43]
pg 12.22 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [53,47,NONE,45,40,41]
pg 12.23 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [43,50,50,44,NONE,53]
pg 12.24 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [44,46,41,NONE,55,43]
pg 12.25 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [42,41,43,48,NONE,43]
pg 12.26 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [49,NONE,NONE,45,43,52]
pg 12.27 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [51,53,NONE,43,44,NONE]
pg 12.28 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [47,42,40,51,45,NONE]
pg 12.29 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [55,48,52,41,45,NONE]
pg 12.2a is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [53,41,49,NONE,47,NONE]
pg 12.2b is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [54,52,45,45,48,NONE]
pg 12.2c is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [42,54,41,43,NONE,44]
pg 12.2d is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [45,46,43,NONE,47,49]
pg 12.2f is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [42,54,45,49,NONE,NONE]
pg 12.32 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [43,50,47,52,40,NONE]
pg 12.33 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized, last acting [50,47,49,52,NONE,NONE]
pg 12.34 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [51,46,49,43,55,NONE]
pg 12.35 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [53,43,NONE,55,49,50]
pg 12.36 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [40,43,52,42,NONE,45]
pg 12.37 is stuck undersized for 53m, current state active+undersized+remapped, last acting [50,52,40,43,43,NONE]

How to fix it?