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CephFS Snapshot scheduler module


I am using a PetaSAN cluster (3 nodes) with 2 FS (one with SSD and one with HDD); i don't use NFS or ISCSI but CephFS to have less overhead and complexity, because I need it only mounted on 3 clients (mail servers).

Now, for my backup strategy, I would like to have a daily CephFS snapshot, keeping only the last 7 snapshots, and weekly i will backup all mailboxes on a different single server (and, again, from that server to an object storage petasan).

Have you ever tried CephFS snapshot scheduler ? Any problem with Petasan 3.3  ?

Thanks, Fabrizio

The UI has support for our built-in scheduler which supports NFS, SMB and iSCSI snapshots. To work directly with CephFS snapshot scheduler you can use the cli as per the link you posted.

Quote from admin on July 30, 2024, 10:37 am

The UI has support for our built-in scheduler which supports NFS, SMB and iSCSI snapshots. To work directly with CephFS snapshot scheduler you can use the cli as per the link you posted.

Thank you very much:

root@petamail-02:~# ceph fs snap-schedule add / 1d 2024-07-31T06:00:00 cephfs_hdd
Schedule set for path /

root@petamail-02:~# ceph fs snap-schedule retention add / d 7 --fs cephfs_hdd
Retention added to path /

root@petamail-02:~# ceph fs snap-schedule activate / --fs cephfs_hdd

Schedule activated for path /

root@petamail-02:~# ceph fs snap-schedule list / --recursive=true --fs cephfs_hdd
/ 1d 7d

I will see tomorrow 🙂