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unable to locate target iqn in petasan

in the petasan log

1,"unable to locate target iqn: iqn 00001 in storage node  "

2,"iscsi login negotiation failed "

this errors are encountered, but in my petasan cluster 'iqn 00001' named fqdn is not there. Then how can this error happen. Also provide proceedure to resolve this issue.

This will happen if you deleted an iSCSI disk but forgot to clean up a client who is regularly attempting to access the disk. The deleted disk is id 00001.

If you have a limited number of iSCSI initiators, review their configuration and delete the 00001 connections.
If you have a large number of clients, you can detect the IP address of the offending client by increasing the kernel iSCSI logs

echo "file drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_login.c +pf" > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

wait 30 min or at leat the period of the offending logs, then:

dmesg | grep -A 5 "Received iSCSI login request from"

it will show debug logs with client info which can help you identify the client.

when done dis-able debug logs
echo "file drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_login.c -pf" > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

Note: you can always buy support from us so we can dedicate more time to your issues 🙂