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clock skew detected on mon.PS1 and more

Good morning, I have installed from the beginning 3 nodes with the latest version, there is a node (PS1) that stays with this error:

clock skew detected on mon.PS1

From the administrator I have configured an internal NTP server that we have, it remains the same, I have also tried another solution that I saw in the photo:

systemctl stop ntp
ntpdate <ip>
systemctl start ntp

It still doesn't work.

The same node sometimes leaves all the disks DOWN and I have to run:

systemctl restart ceph-osd@X

In order to restart the disks again, I don't know if it has anything to do with it, I have restarted the node several times but the error ‘clock skew detected on mon.PS1’ doesn't go away.

I also did some performance tests with the benchmark tool and I think that the data has remained as there is no data and I have 1Tb occupied, how can I see it and delete that data?
