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Resize of PetaSAN disk size

We have created a 5TB disk from PetaSAN, Now, we feel that  full 5TB size may not be use and want to reduce to  2 or 3TB disk

Can a PetaSAN disk size be reduced?

When I try to reduce the size in PetaSAN , it shows New size must be larger than current size. Is there any other possible options to reduce the disk size.



it is is not recommended. you first need to reduce the size at the OS filesystem level ( NTFS/xfs/ext,4 ..etc) before reducing the block layer,the filesystem may need to defgrament  first, then you can use ceph commands to reduce the rbd image using the command line.

Again it is risky, not recommended, if you really need you should test it in a lab environment with filled data similar to production disk.

Another safer way is to create a new smaller disk and move data from old to new then delete old disk.