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RGW MultiTenancy

Starting from jewel is possibile to use MultiTenancy on RGW to use the same bucket-name for every Tenant.

Can you implement this on the next release of Petasan ? Have you already planned the release date ?
Thanks, Fabrizio


Support for creating users and sub-users is already in UI.

Quote from admin on March 1, 2025, 3:15 pm

Support for creating users and sub-users is already in UI.

I'm not sure that subuser and multitenancy are the same:

I mean:

# radosgw-admin --tenant testx --uid tester --display-name "Test User" --access_key TESTER --secret test123 user create

And the reason is to have the same bucket name for different users.
Thanks, Fabrizio


I think it is the same, the following command in the link does create a sub-user.

The idea is to create a user ( example a company) and have sub-users (employees)  within the company that see the buckets of the company, they can have read/write/browse permissions.

Another more complex way is to use bucket policies

this is also supported, but it is all client side, the client needs to assign policies to allow other users access to a bucket he owns. it is all client side, so no UI.