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Version 1.2 Released !

Happy to announce PetaSAN version 1.2 with some really cool additions.

New Features:
Ability to add and remove individual OSDs.
Ability to remove storage nodes from cluster.
Dashboard with embedded Grafana interactive charts, metrics stored for 1 year using Graphite/Collectd.
Ceph Jewel latest stable (10.2.5).
Consul latest stable (7.3).
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Show cluster log.

Thanks for your works! I find some bugs and repaired them,but how to compile Source Code to iso?

Need the step and I want to join this project!


Great to hear ! You can post your fix as inline patches in the Bug Reporting forum ...or here if you prefer. In the future we intend to use a github page but you could send patches this way for now. Also if you can describe the nature of the bug will be great.

I found this article to make changes in iso and rebuild, but let me know if you have issues:

Thanks again. /maged

Thank you for your reply!Git is needed. Your method to rebuild iso is simple when  repair a small  bug ,but I want  to add monitoring function and try to change ubuntu to rhel(just a preliminary idea ).  I hope to know the steps to build iso from source code(download from forum).   As the source code Source Code.


If you do find bugs, please let us know what they are so we can address them. If you fixed some then by all means post the patches. I plan on making a git repo soon, but for now posting any changes you made or letting us know what are the issues you found will help us.

If you wish to add monitoring code: our approach is the use of Collectd/Graphite and display in Grafana. It will probably make sense to add your monitoring as python Collectd plugins.

In terms of distribution choice, Red Hat/SUSE/Ubuntu/Debian are all rock solid and are beyond any opinion by me, so if you wish to use Red Hat that will be excellent choice. For Ubuntu, in terms of numbers, the majority of OpenStack and Ceph deployments run under Ubuntu, so it is a good choice too. Ceph itself was developed under Ubuntu until recently.

The exact steps of building depends on what you want to achieve and can be quite involved. If you need to change the python code, the link i sent you should be sufficient, If you need to compile code: for kernel code there are a lot of online guides, for Ceph there is documentation on the Ceph site, our installer is written using the Qt library so you if you install the Qt build environment it should be quite easy to build, other packages you can download the source rpm or deb and build  environment.

Cheers /maged