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iSCSI not reassign paths

When i try to reassign patch, patch not reassign and i get in log:


Can you give more detail on how you hit this. Did you you use manual or auto assign ? does it happen on specific paths or are you not able to move any ?

I try to manual or automatic reassign paths, in web interface status changed to "pending", and on next step patch stay on exist node. After power off node with selected patchs, consul move it to another node, but manual or authomatic reassign not work

This log from iscsi node:

11/04/2018 17:08:00 ERROR 504
11/04/2018 17:45:17 INFO Reassignment paths script invoked to run clean action.
11/04/2018 17:45:27 ERROR 504
12/04/2018 09:23:15 INFO Reassignment paths script invoked to run clean action.
12/04/2018 09:23:24 ERROR 504
12/04/2018 09:42:27 INFO Could not lock path 00001/1 with session 55b4b660-5771-b866-4c44-614bcc16ee39.
12/04/2018 09:44:13 INFO Reassignment paths script invoked to run clean action.
12/04/2018 09:44:22 ERROR 504
12/04/2018 09:54:40 INFO Reassignment paths script invoked to run clean action.
12/04/2018 09:54:49 ERROR 504

this part log from mon node:

maybe have console method to reassign patch manually?