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Minimum number of nodes


How many numbers of nodes do I need at minimum in order to have a working system?



at least 3



Thx for answer.

Is it a three nodes cluster with the right amount of ram suitable for a medium workload (eg: 4 hypervisor node cluster)


The best thing is to try out your workload and hardware in a test environment and see if you are happy with the performance. In many cases it will be good.

Of course if you add more disks and nodes the faster the cluster will get, that is the nice thing about scale out. The exact number of disks that you can add per node is dependent on hardware used and also io workload: if you use ssds/nvme or have small io sizes, the cpu load will saturate with a smaller number of disks. We plan to write a documentation guide for performance tuning in the future.

Also we will be releasing next week 1.2.1 release which will have a new kernel ( 4.4 instead of current 3.12 ) which has better performance and we intend to stabilize on it for a long time so maybe better to use this for your testing.

Thx for reply

Your project seems impressive.

Do you plan to add an enterprise version apart the gpl one?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

At some point we will offer a support option but PetaSAN will remain agpl and free to use.


I'm trying to test it but I only have Two machines for the storage and other two for the hypervisor.

How can i install it using only two nodes?

it is possible to do it?


The min is 3  since 2 can lead to split brain conditions, it is not supported

In your test setup, you can run PetaSAN virtualized or run your clients virtualized