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Error building Consul cluster

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Error building cluster, please check detail below.

Error List

Cluster Node peta1 failed to join the cluster or is not alive.
Cluster Node peta2 failed to join the cluster or is not alive.

Still same error

can you email the /opt/petasan/log/PetaSAN.log file on all 3 nodes + /opt/petasan/config/cluster_info.json to contact-us @

thanks !

Sent you the logs by mail

The logs failed during the cluster build step, which happens in node 3 deployment. It failed to build the Consul server, which is the first service we use that relies on the backend network. It is most probably due to incorrect backend network settings:

"backend_1_base_ip": "",
"backend_1_eth_name": "eth3",
"backend_1_mask": "",
"backend_1_vlan_id": "",
"backend_2_base_ip": "",
"backend_2_eth_name": "eth4",
"backend_2_mask": "",

Here both backend 2 and backend 1 are using overlapped addresses The tcp/network layer can get confused it may send a backend 1 packet sometimes on eth3 other times eth4, this will cause packet not being received. To fix:

"backend_1_base_ip": "",
"backend_1_mask": "",
"backend_2_base_ip": "",
"backend_2_mask": "",

and modify the backend 2 ip assigned to each node.

It is probably possible for you to change the config files/reboot..but is probably easier and quicker to install from start


Thank you. Its working.

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