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Kernel Panic not syncing VFS unable to Mount root fs unknown block

Dear All

I have tried to install PetaSAN on a Virtual Machine to evaluate it for my personal usage. I have tried it in VBox and Hyper-V but in both the attached failure appears. I have tried it with the versions 2.0.0 and 1.5.0. In both images the same. Is it may not possible to install it in any VM? Are there any limitations?

Thank you in advance for your help


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it should work, some things to check:

  • how much ram do you have for the PetaSAN vm ?
  • is this happening with the iso installer or after you install and try to re-boot ?
  • can you try to re-download the iso image from a different location, in case there is  some image corruption.
  • in some cases you may need to set bios settings to enable virtualization of 64 bit vms. also in case your hyper-v is itself virtualized you may need to pass cpu virtualization flags like vtx in the vm settings.

we get the same error if you assign less than 1G ram for the vm

Hello together

Yes it was the RAM. I was to greedy with it. 512MB are to less.

Thank you for the 24/7 support!! 😉