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No of management nodes

Hi admin

In some cases when 2 management nodes are down, the whole cluster will not be working.

Can petasan allow 5 management nodes setup?


In PetaSAN the management nodes are assigned a role to act as Ceph monitors, Ceph mangers, Consul servers as well as well other functions such as statistics gathering, sending email alarms, ntpd servers..etc.

Generally a failure of 2 nodes failing out of 3 is a low bet and should be good for the vast majority of cases, if you are concerned I would first recommend that you place the 3 nodes in different failure domains: ie different racks, rooms..etc.

If this is still not enough, you can easily use cli commands to manually add Ceph monitors to 2 extra nodes.  One of the design goals in PetaSAN is that you can use manual cli commands outside the ui if you wish. You will also need to manually add Consul servers to those 2 nodes since Consul is required for the ISCSI layer. This should be very easy to do.

Thanks for your reply.

Add more than 3 admin nodes to the command line, can you tell me? Manually add the Ceph monitor to the command line of the two additional nodes using cli commands; By manually adding an Consul server to both node command lines, you've already added an early problem. Also, does the gluster cluster need to be added

What is the default user root password for SSH login after the petasan operating system is installed and before the cluster is created

@Admin Ok I think i was able to add the 4th node. But the changes is not reflected in the gui. Also I have trouble updating the changes in the gui as well. Is there a file that pull data from ceph to petasan gui as it seem some of the data are not being pulled when i successfully added a 4th node.

Any guidance on adding 4th and more management node with MON, MGR, and MDS is greatly appreciated.