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What's the credentials of the linux system

I have successfully installed the PetaSAN cluster on 3 nodes. The OS is ubuntu, right? How can I log in to the OS or SSH to the nodes?

The Management Application can be accesses would be

Log in using the following credentials

user: "admin"

password: "password"

or please use ssh

user: "root"

password: "Cluster Password"


If you need to install packages via apt-get, there is bug reported in another topic, you need to run

chmod -v 1777 /tmp

Quote from Mykola Perehinets on March 17, 2017, 11:09 am

The Management Application can be accesses would be

Log in using the following credentials

user: "admin"

password: "password"

or please use ssh

user: "root"

password: "Cluster Password"


Thanks very much:)

Another question is how to ssh to the system if i haven't created a cluster

Quote from admin on March 17, 2017, 11:47 am

If you need to install packages via apt-get, there is bug reported in another topic, you need to run

chmod -v 1777 /tmp


Quote from phenom on March 20, 2017, 1:45 am

Another question is how to ssh to the system if i haven't created a cluster

Once you enter the password in the node deployment wizard  (second step) you should be able to access the node using ssh.