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Is it possible to use 802.3ad (LACP)?

Howto login ubuntu console?

LACP is among our to-do list.

The command line can be accessed (see Quick Start Guide) by logging using:

username: root

password: cluster password  ( NOT the admin password )

needless to say, you are on your own when using cli

Question for you: When we will do this in the ui, you think it will be OK to have the same bonding setup across all nodes in the cluster the same ? We try to make configuration easy, or better make this on a node by node basis ?


Thanks for the answer!

I want to make a test cluster with ceph mon 3 +  iscsi target and 4 the OSD Server (OSD 40). In all of my projects are ceph I used lacp. I think that to configure lacp console is not difficult.