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Add more interfaces

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Hi all,

i want to know how i can add more network interfaces please ?

The default config of PetaSan is :

  • Management 1
  • iscsi 1
  • iscsi 2
  • backend 1
  • backend 2

I want to go to this config :

  • Management 1
  • iscsi 1  |
  • iscsi 2  |
  •            |=>  team 1
  • ....
  • iscsi 3 |
  • iscsi 4 |
  •           |=> team 2
  • ....
  • backend 1
  • backend 2


Thanks for your support


You can change the cluster network definition manually via the file


it is easy to edit. You can also install a virtual environment and install just 1 node  and let the wizard create the file for you then you can copy it to your real cluster.

Hi Admin,

thank you very much for your return. Ok, i will test it tomorrow at work... I will be back soon.

Do you know : few days ago, i never heard about PetaSan. I was on Datacore, StarWind, Windows 2016 server... and no of them was really what i'm looking for... And by chance, i fell on this product...

So now, with few technicals changement, i'm going to test it seriously !!! 😉



Great, glad you like PetaSAN 🙂

3 notes from your earlier message:

  1. I am not sure what you meant by default configuration, but just to make sure, you can define you teaming via the ui in the Cluster NIC Settings page.
  2. You can define 2 networks for iSCSI, you cannot define more.
  3. The teaming configuration you show is not common. Typically you would team the backend networks. For iSCSI it is more common not to team them and rely on iSCSI MPIO for HA, it is the recommended way.

Hi Admin,


Default configuration : mean the first configuration when we install PetaSan

  • Management 1
  • iscsi 1
  • iscsi 2
  • backend 1
  • backend 2


Yes i know that i can define 2 networks for iSCSI. But i want to separate (segment) networks : 1 (1+2 iSCSI) network to the server and 2 (3+4 iSCSI) network to the storage. I  know too for MPIO (i will use it)... A picture is better than a explication, see the picture below please.

 Petasan Network

So i need to define 2 others iSCSI for that configuration. Now, for your post at the beginin:


can i do it with this method ? or is there anoter method to create the second pool of iSCSI ?

(i hope i'm clear...)

Thanks a lot




You can only have  2 iSCSI networks. However this may help a bit: you can change the ip subnets and vlans  from the iSCSI settings page in the web ui at any time, all newely created disk will use those values, all existing iSCSI disks will retain their existing values. So there could be several active subnets vlans on the 2 networks. You can use nic bonding of several nics if you need to increase bandwidth per network. If needed to change the settings for an existing disk, you can detach it then re-attach it to new subnet.


Ok Admin. yes it's right, i saw vlan and Bonding.

So, i will go in this direction :

iSCSI 1 ==>  IP1  ==> Vlan server
iSCSI 1.2 ==> Bonding ==> Vlan Server

iSCSI 2 ==>  IP2  ==> Vlan Storage
iSCSI 2.2 ==> Bonding ==> Vlan Storage


Fot this, i must to go like you said at this address :   /opt/petasan/config/cluster_info.json

Right ?


Thanks a lot


No.  You can change the iSCSI subnets/vlans from the management ui iSCSI Settings at any time, no need to change json.

The json change is not needed here, It relates changing the cluster network definition defined in the deployment wizard when you created the cluster : how many nics you have, bonding, frames, which nics/bonds are assigned to networks.


yes for the iSCSI and Vlan are on the configuration page. I said about bonding ?

i have 4 interfaces 10 Gbits ==> 2 x 2 cards



Ah i missed this. yes in this case you need to change the json file

it is quite easy to edit. you can also setup 1 test machine ( could be a vm ) and use the deployment wizard to deploy it then take the generated json. either way are good.

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