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PetaSAN 2.3 journal problem

Hi, I've got a new setup with petasan 2.3 and I could not add 2 OSDs using a 60GB Journal.

As far as I know, PetaSAN default Journal size would be 20GB, so my 60GB disk is way more than enough.

The system return error which is: "All existing journal disks has no space for new OSD."

So my questions are:
1. How to properly add my two OSDs into the current system, and
2. How to modify the default journal size?

Best regards,


edit config file and modify as follows   "bluestore_block_db_size = 42949672960"   (40GB for example ....)

nano +27 /opt/petasan/config/etc/ceph/XXXXXXX.conf  

We increased it a couple of releases ago based on Ceph recommendations.  40GB should not be bad, do not go below 30 GB as it could impact performance.

Thanks, I've edited the config file and the system runs flawlessly.

Thank you for the advice also, I'm about to set 30GB journal as we do not have big SSDs, hopefully it won't affect the performance much.
