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Shut down a single node on a 3 node cluster

Hello,  we have a 3 node cluster with a pool size of 3 w/min size of 2 and need to swap out the CPU's in the node so it needs to be turned off.  What's the best way to handle this?  Since we have 2 replica's it should keep things going while the 3rd node is shut down, am I assuming correct?  This storage carries live VM data and don't want to loose anything.  Running the 3.2.1 version.

even if you shut down the node suddenly,  there will not be a problem. however it may be a bit better to first move the iSCSI paths away from this node to the other ones before shutdown, this will result in limiting the failure handling to the ceph/osd level rather than also having additional error handling at the iSCSI ha level...but again the system can handle both.

Thank you for the information, just wanted to make sure.