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Physical Disk List not loading after Node re-added to the cluster (role: Mgr/Mon/Storage)

I re-added a Node (one of the mgr/mon/storage) from a recently crash VM.  After rejoining it to the cluster, the node (VM) was able to take back the roles Mgr, Mon, iSCSI and Storage but for some reason the disk are not showing up on the UI, it just keeps on spinning.

I have validated this with the other nodes and they are working perfectly fine and able to display the disk (OSDs).  Also checked the list of nodes on /etc/hosts and complete and did a sync across all the nodes and restarted "petasan-file-sync" service.

Appreciate if you could point me to a procedure how to fix this.  Thanks!

Was able to fix my issue.  Came across on a recent post by "bill gottlieb" and got an idea how to fix it.
