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Bigger Graph and remove old OSDs


I tried to get some information out of the graph on the dashboard. Because of this I was facing two issues:

  1. I still see empty information about old OSD which got removed a while ago (red box). Can they be removed without loosing the other chart values?
  2. The "value info screen" is to small and I can't see all values (red arrows). Is there a way to make the graph bigger? (there is a lot of space on the website left)


any metric that had old values will show on chart. Each metric has a 1 file within /opt/petasan/config/shared/graphite directory tree, you can delete yourself. First identify the node currently running as the stats server:

systemctl status carbon-cache

it will be running on current active stats server, on this node:


delete un-needed metrics files


To display values in popup windows: one way is to select a couple of metrics by clicking ( ctrl + click ) on the metric name / legend on the far right, this will limit the number of graphs and popup values to the ones you select at a time



thank you for the hints. The cleanup worked perfectly.
Would a "chart cleanup job" not a good idea for the next version? I my case I could find the files easy because of an old timestamp.

Another question:
Is there a way to export the values of a chart to CSV?


Thanks for the hint.

you can export csv by logging in to grafana at url:   stats_server_ip:3000

use the default username/password : admin / admin

On a chart go  More -> Export CSV

if you want to do this grammatically you can access the graphite server to get json data, look for examples online