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Upcoming PetaSAN 2.6

Hello all,

The main features for upcoming PetaSAN 2.6 will be:

  • Scale-out active/active & highly available NFS v4 using NFS-Ganesha.
  • User defined CephFS file layouts.

Hello, thanks for this great software and for the hard work!


Do you have any tentative date for PetaSAN 2.6 release?

Thanks 🙂   approx second week of June.

Awesome.  I will start testing containers with NFS-Ganesha to verify VMware can work with that version of NFS.  A long time ago the NFS-Ganesha had a lot of issues where it just could not be used as a generic NFS filer.  VMware really wants everyone to just buy an EMC SAN for storage...  and Microsoft wants to get us to pay CALs for each monitor we have on our Windows Workstations.... LOL




Hello, do you have any update on the release date for 2.6?


Thanks in advance, have a nice day!

Looking good. It is in testing/bug fixing stage. Approx 2 weeks from now.

any chance an open attic style web interface is on the horizon?

no we are using the current style interface ui.