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Missing journal information of new OSD after disk replacement


I have PetaSAN cluster upgraded to 2.5.1 version (cluster is more then two years old)

After broken disk replace and add new storage device, there is no information displayed about a journal of new storage device in WEB.

But using ssh console i can see information about existing journal (block.db) on nvme disk:

Is that alright or a bug?

Guys, don't ignore me please.

Can you try to update to latest online (2.5.3)

Ok, I'll try. Thanks.


Update to 2.5.3 was not solved my problem.

Additional screenshot from SSH console ("lsblk" command):

You can see what the problem disk looks like compared to "healthy"disks. Is that correct or not?


Additional information about my issue:
After node reboot - osd.488 is down. And directory /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-488 is empty.

After i perform following command, directory /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-488 becomes contain files, and then osd.488 becomes UP.
ceph-volume simple scan /dev/sds1

Maybe i need to redeploy this OSD? How to perform it correctly?


The problem is still actual (see above, first post).

I have Petasan 2.7.2 and three OSDs with the same issue today.

The last of three disks was replaced one week ago.

Have any idea how to fix it?

can you do online update to 2.7.3 and see if it fixes it.

Quote from admin on April 9, 2021, 10:05 am

can you do online update to 2.7.3 and see if it fixes it.

Problem solved!
