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Inexistant OSD down


We've a Warning "23190 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 59390 sec, osd.28 has slow ops" on the dashboard. But there is no osd.28 on the system.

There was one, but we've deleted it. Now it shown as "Down" with this warning. If I click on the "Down" button, it normally shows the OSDs that are down. But the list is empty.

How can we properly remove this osd.28?

Thank you

how was OSD 28 it delete ? from ui or manual ?

does OSD 28 show up in

ceph osd tree

ceph osd dump

It was deleted from ui. We've removed the disk and then deleted it from the ui.

ceph osd tree is not showing it, but ceph osd dump:

osd.28 down out weight 0 up_from 1340 up_thru 1340 down_at 1437 last_clean_interval [0,0) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists 5bb49fb4-b0d5-4684-bfe8-cd14eb511e3e

ceph auth del osd.28
ceph osd rm osd.28

root:~# ceph auth del osd.28
entity osd.28 does not exist
root:~# ceph osd rm osd.28
removed osd.28

We've no more warnings.

Thank you!