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Email Notifications


I'm just testing / understanding the 1.3.0 features but I have some doubts about the Email Notification.

  • I've noticed that I can only set one email address. I suppose that this will be the "From an To Address" the notifications will be sent. Is it correct? It will be nice, maybe in the future, to add the possibilty to set a From and a To address
  • Is there a way to test if it works properly (right now I haven't received any notifications even when I shut down a node)?
  • What kind of notifications are sent and when?

Thanks in advance.


It works like this:

  • First you need to have the Management network have access the remote SMTP mail server
  • Then in the Configuration -> Cluster Settings  page you need to setup the SMTP mail server address,  the "from" email + password
  • Then in the User List, edit the user and select if he would receive notifications or not + enter his email if not entered before.

Currently the emails notifications are for node failures, osd failures and warnings when raw storage approaching full capacity. We will add other alarms in the future.


thanks a lot... I was missing a little but fundamental thing: the To Address in the User list. Sorry... 🙂

Now it works like a charm!

Beste regards.
