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Petasan cluster through Proxmox (network config help)

Hey all,

I'm going to repost my link from the Proxmox forum. I'm just not getting the bridging aspect of it I suppose. Every time I try making a bridge it doesn't seem to work, I've looked at the network config posts and nothing, if anyone could give me a step-by-step dumbed down way to do this I'd really appreciate it

Are the PetaSAN nodes physical nodes or are they vms within Proxmox ? If they are physical, is the issue you have is how to configure Proxmox to access external subnets ? if so this may be a general setup issue not specific to PetaSAN.

If you have a interface count limit, note that in PetaSAN you can have more than one subnet  sharing the same interface, typically using different vlan. Although not recomended you can also have several networks use the same subnet and ip range, with the exception of iSCSI2 as it requires to be a different subnet for iSCSI MPIO, if trying such single subnet, you need to make sure your to/from public addresses for the different gateway services are separate, again it is not a recommended setup but maybe it will help.



Hey there thanks for the reply, all nodes are VM'S within proxmox , I have no NIC , only 2 onboard interfaces that came with the MOBO

It should not matter to PetaSAN if the interfaces are nics or on motherboard or virtual bridged. Are the 2 motherboard interfaces made accessible to the PetaSAN vms ? do they see them as eth0, eth1 ?

They see them as eno1 and eno2 on proxmox and when setting up a petasan node It shows eth1