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Forgot to add a journal to an osd , best way to add ?

Hey all,

So as the title states I added a cache to an osd but forgot to check the box to add a journal as well , I can't seem to remove the osd( I'm pretty knew to petasan) what is the easiest way to either delete the osd and configure it with a cache and journal or simply add a journal, as I'm knew step-by-step would be greatly appreciated , thanks in advance !

You can delete the OSD from ui only if it not up. you can stop it via:

systemctl stop ceph-osd@id  where id is the osd id

this needs to run on the host serving the OSD.

Deleting an OSD needs to be done with care, do not delete more than 1 OSD at a time, wait for cluster to be OK before deleting any OSD