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Move traffic to new installed network card

I tried to find a similar thread in the forum and found nothing.

I added a 10 Gb card to the server,
now I would like to safely transfer MGMT, Backend and iSCSI traffic to this card.

What's the safest way to do it?
What is the correct approach?

eth0 - mgmt
eth1 - backend, scsi

It has to be:
eth0 - null
eth1 - null
eth2 - mgmt, backend, scsi

Thank you for a great project <3

For iSCSI you can do this from ui under iSCSI settings.

Management and Backend needs to be done manually, on all nodes change


/etc/network/interfaces  (management only)

Thank you for help,

But what afrer change, restart node or service?

Or ifdown/ifup will be sufficient?

you need to restart the node