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make PetaSAN ISO

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Hello Everyone

I am trying make petasan iso file

Compilation for petasan source has been completed.

but I can't make deb file following:

PetaSAN ISO file:


Please tell me how I can create this deb file.
Or tell me the source location.
There is no source that can make this in petasan source.

please help me.


petasan_2.8.1.deb is the debian package of PetaSAN (python/html/js/cs)

petasan-stats-config_2.8.0.deb is debian package of configuration files

petasan-container-images_2.8.0.deb contains the NFS Ganesha server and the Ceph pugin, the later you already built, you can buld the former from Ganesha sources if you wish.

Thank you very much





how I can make this deb files?

please tell me method.

there are tools to create and process deb files, search online for debian packaging.

Thank you very much


Creating a debfile is never a problem.


I would like to know the source location of these deb files or what sources to compile to create deb files.
It would be appreciated if you could tell us the source location of these deb files.

I compiled the sources you uploaded, but I couldn't find the deb files I reflected on the right.

please help me.

as indicated earlier, the first 2 are already in source form: html/python/config... there is no compilation. the container deb has ceph binaries which you already built + ganesha, you can download ganesha source from their web site, we use version 3.2.0.

thank you

But how to create petasan2.8.1.deb file?

Do I have to create this file in the kernel or do I have to create it from some other source?
Kernel compilation proceeded successfully.
But making this petasan2.8.1.deb file is the most difficult problem.

please help me again

Hello, Admin.

I will appreciate it you let me know the way  to make the petasan2.8.1.deb.

I think need to get the source to make petasan2.8.1.deb.

Where can get the source and how to make the petasan2.8.1.deb package?

I will wait your reply.

Please help me.

Thank you.

i am still not sure what you are trying to do, is this like a learning exercise ?

as stated in prev replies, the deb contains source files, if you want to get the files, you can simply extract the deb, they are also in our source package.

Hello. Admin

Thanks for your reply.

I want to customize the PetaSAN.

To do this, I want to make the petasan iso file.

So I got the source of petasan with tar.gz and known that there are 3 .deb packages in petasan iso file.

Here, I want to re packaging the petasan_2.8.1.deb at least.

Please let me know how to re packaging the petasan_2.8.1.deb.

Thank you.


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